勿謂言之不預 [wù wèi yán zhī bù yù]
[do not say that you have not been forewarned;do not blame us for not having forewarned you;we accept no plea of ignorance] 不要說事先沒有說過,表示事前已講明白
【詞 目】勿謂言之不預【釋 義】預:預先。指不要說事先沒有說過,表示事前已講明白。【出 處】清·李寶嘉《官場現形記》第19回:“一經覺察,白簡無情,勿謂言之不預也。” 更多→ 勿謂言之不預
do not blame us for not having forewarned you; do not say that you have not been forewarned; we accept no plea of ignorance