
韻白   [yùn bái]


[parts in Beijing opera where the traditional pronunciation of certain words is slightly different from that in current Beijing dialect] 戲曲中句子整齊押韻的道白


  1. 戲曲念白的一種。同京( 北京 )白、蘇( 蘇州 )白等相對。大抵以中州韻為讀音、咬字、歸韻的標準,四聲調值也有特定規律,因而節奏感和音樂性較強。傳統戲曲中正面人物和身分較高的人物多念韻白。

  2. 戲曲中句子整齊押韻的道白。


“韻白”是用中州韻語音念的說白。在崑劇和京劇界難度最大,是京劇在成型期創造出來的與“京白”不同的舞台道白。“京白”和“韻白”,使用的都是漢語。 更多→ 韻白


parts in Beijing opera where the traditional pronunciation of certain words is slightly different from that in current Beijing dialect