
連年   [lián nián]


[in successive years;in consecutive years; year after year; over the years; for years running; for many years in a row] 連續許多年同一種情況 連年兵荒馬亂


  1. 接連多年。

    《漢書·王商傳》:“ 商 死後,連年日蝕地震。” 唐 鄭遂初 《別離怨》詩:“盪子戍 遼東 ,連年信不通。” 瞿秋白 《餓鄉紀程》十二:“經連年戰亂,剛剛平定,奄奄一息,正如久病之後,勉強得一點生機。”


連年,拼音lián nián,漢語辭彙,意指連續數年;接連多年。 更多→ 連年


for many years in a row; for years running; over the years; year after year; in consecutive years; in successive years

